Watch for Jack and Misty's new upcoming release, "Just One More Song" on STARDUST!!!
Product and Sales Contact: Buster Doss (cbd@vallnet.com)
PETR VITOUS in Prague, in the Czech Republic, has a country music website you can visit,
and Jack and Misty are featured! (He also has some nice things to say about this site as
well!) Click here to visit!
Jack and Misty have announced that the name of their record label has been changed to
Velvet Saw Records.
Also, they're making copies of their "Back From The Dead" CD available to radio stations
in the U.S. and overseas.
All interested program directors should contact them at "Jack@jackandmisty.com"
for all the details.
Speaking of the CD, Jack asked me to announce that they can now accept Paypal, the email
money transfer service, on CD orders, and also, there's no more 6 to 8 week wait. They'll
ship the CD within two business days of receiving the order, and it'll arrive in about
a week, sometimes less.
On the subject of Jack's articles, by the way... When I originally posted "Our Rogues Gallery:
The Artist", I inadvertantly chopped off part of a sentence. (Sorry
'bout that, Jack!) It has now been restored.
Remember this question from Misty Morgan?:In the popular movie
"Fletch", Chevy Chase walks into a record store and says to the clerk, "Do you have any
Misty Morgan records?" It has nothing to do with the story at all. Friends have called
and asked me about it, but it's a mystery to me, too.
I don't know anybody involved with the movie. Why would they just throw it
in? The movie shows up on TV every now and then. Watch for it. It's there.
Misty Morgan
Well, somebody actually knows the answer! Jackie Loyd sez...
Dear Misty,
There were two versions of the "Fletch" film that are different because of the editing.
In one of the versions, there is a girl in the background standing next to a camel (shades
of "Humphrey!"), and Chevy Chase asks her if she is trying out for the Misty Morgan Look-
Alike Contest!! The same girl is seen later in the same film on the sidewalk outside the
record store right before the scene where he asks for the Misty Morgan records. In the
second version, the question is edited out, as is the scene where the girl appears on
the sidewalk outside the record store.
The version most commonly shown is the extremely edited version. The
unedited version used to be available in video stores, and may still be available through a
video collector.
Your friend and fan,
Jackie Loyd
P.S.: I'm so thrilled to be able to communicate with you and Jack because I am a big fan.
As are we all, Jackie. And thanks for clearing that up!
Jack and Misty's current single, "Rings Of Gold" (Song 1) now makes its descent after a week
at the top. It debuted over a month ago (Nov. 24, 2000) on the Indie World Country chart at
#39. Second week, it was up to #35. Week 3 (Dec. 9), it oonched up a notch to #34. Week 4,
it moved up to #31. Week #5, it moved up to #28. Week 6, to #23. Week 7, it moved up
another notch to #22. Week 8, it got closer to top 10 territory at #13; Week 9, #8; then #4;
and then #2.
Last week, it became their second Number One. Now, it's down to #7. But wasn't it fun
watching the ride to the top? Let's hope their new single, "Just One More Song" equals that
feat. Remember, you can keep track of your favorite indie single's progress by clicking
Speaking of chart positions... I've recently added something old to
the discography: the chart positions of Jack and Misty's hits as they
originally appeared in Billboard magazine! (If you ever wondered...)
For those of you who think the photos pages take too long to upload... I couldn't agree
more. But guess what? The thumbnails section is up and operational! (I'm still trying to work
one or two bugs out of it, but it is operational!) Until I can get a button up for it,
click HERE!
By the way, I'll be adding a couple more photos and some new articles later this week.
We have banners! (That's the small version above all this stuff.) Feel free to upload (or
download, whichever's the case!) it to your own site (its official name is "smbanner.gif").
Here's how: (Subtitute <> for [] in the following example!)
[A href="http://www.jackandmisty.com/"][IMG alt="Tennessee Birdwalk - The OFFICIAL Jack
Blanchard & Misty Morgan Home Page" src="smbanner.gif" border=0][/A]
Just don't forget to link to "http://www.jackandmisty.com" or"http://fly.to/jackandmisty".
And the essays keep coming! New this week: a newly-edited version of "Yule Revisited"; a
true story called "Our Rogues Gallery: The Artist"; a comment about "Government"; and a
new Christmas essay just in time for the new millennium, "Humbug!" You'll find them all
on the Articles page. (Newer stories than that will be coming soon! Stay tuned...)
Remember this little guy?
Well, it's back, and now it's connected to a page that'll take you to a collection of Jack
Blanchard's columns and short stories entitled "Misty Voices".
More lyrics have been added! Check the lyrics page.
AND NOW, THE (rest of the) NEWS...
We're pleased and happy to announce that if you want BACK FROM THE DEAD, VOLUME 2,
the NEW Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan CD, your wait is over!
You can now order it exclusively from the website!! The cost is $14.95 + $2.95 shipping
and handling.
To order by credit card, or by prepaid check or money order, contact:
They'll contact you by eMail (or snail mail, if you prefer), and your order will be
processed immediately!
This week, Jack and Misty's "Rings Of Gold" shipped to U.S. Radio stations. If you aren't
hearing it yet, please contact your local station and request it.
If they don't have it, tell them to send an email to
Jack@jackandmisty.com, and he'll see that they get a copy.
This brings us to our first bit of trivia: Jack and Misty's original version of "Rings Of Gold"
first appeared on the "Two Sides Of Jack And Misty" album
back in 1972. With the U.S. release this week, it becomes
the last song from that album to be released as a
single, after 28 years!! Now THAT'S Trivia!!!
As of Fri., Oct. 27, 2000, we now have a new look! The wallpaper is based on a sketch by the
multi-talented Jack Blanchard. I'm still putting all of the buttons in place, so I beg
your indulgence while I get that taken care of. The buttons, by the way, are...
Jack and Misty's bio, along with some vital statistics and contact information.
The photo gallery.
The complete up-to-the-moment discography, as assembled by your
humble webmaster and Jack.
This page you're reading now.
A few links we like, plus the guestbook, email addy for your humble
webmaster, and such.
Sign the Guestbook.
View The Guestbook.
NOTE: Jack and Misty respond personally to each message in our guest book! Try the links!
(While I'm on the subject of the guestbook, PLEASE
do not send any Private Messages. (Mainly because 1: They're such a pain to get to, and
2: Jack and Misty can't see them! Also, please observe
proper Guestbook etiquette, and do not use it for plugging your latest CD, or whatever.
There's a website link you can use for that. Thanks for understanding.))
This takes you right back to the front door.
This is the lyrics button (which naturally enough, takes you to our brand new
lyrics page!)
All the best,
Jerry D. Withers
(Your humble webmaster -- which is about the third time I've used that phrase...)
And now, some recent news...
Thanks to Peter Berlin, we now have an even newer addy! It's "jackandmisty.com"!
(Thanks, Peter!) (For those of you with text browsers, I recommend the still brand-spankin'
new "http://fly.to/jackandmisty".)
PRESS RELEASE (10/18/2000):

The new Jack Blanchard and Misty Morgan single RINGS OF GOLD was shipped to overseas
stations this week. The U.S. shipping will go out in two weeks. Jack and Misty urge fans
and friends to request it at that time.
Any stations that don't have the Song 1 single can get it by contacting Chuck Dixon
Promotions in Nashville, or on the net: Jack@JackandMisty.com.
Now for the rest of the news...

Jack Blanchard and Misty Morgan are "Back From The Dead!" At least, that's the name of
their first new album in eons. The duo who gave the world such off-kilter ditties as
"Tennessee Birdwalk", "Humphrey The Camel", "If Eggs Had Legs", "Cockroach Stomp" as well
as more serious stuff like "Carolina Sundown Red", "Somewhere In Virginia In The Rain"
and "Why Did I Sleep So Long?" are back with their first CD in 7 years! It's a 23-track collection
on Velvet Saw Records, featuring eight new songs and well worth finding. Click
here to hear cuts from the CD in RealAudio (scroll down to "Back From The Dead",
"Song 1 Sampler #2" and "Song 1 Sampler #3", or
check the discography for the full track listing. And welcome back, Jack and Misty!
The photos are up! Click here to see the initial batch. (More to come soon!)
It's official... we're official! As of October 4th, Tennessee Birdwalk is the
official, authorized Jack and Misty web site! Thanks, J&M!