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"Religion, Politics And Raccoons"

We've been getting email 
urging us to join in efforts 
that we haven't told anybody we're for or against. 

They just presume that we think like them. 
and we're not telling. 

I seldom answer them, but if I did 
it might be something like this: 


Thanks for thinking of us, 
but your recent email may or may not have ticked us off. 

We may be Christians, Jews, Republicans, or Democrats, raccoons, 
or none of the above. 
We don't usually discuss it with strangers, 
even when offered candy. 

Even though I may agree with you 
I can't forward it to all my friends, as you asked me to. 
They only put up with me, as it is. 


Just between you and me, 
Misty's Catholic and I'm Protestant, 
and it seems to be working OK. 

If Misty were Jewish and I were Islamic, we'd be the same, 
but she would look at me funny. 

Copyright © November 12, 2002 by Jack Blanchard. All rights reserved.


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