"Can They Ruin Our Music?"
Classical music isn't dead.
Folk music isn't either.
Hawaiian, Polka, and Jazz are still there for people who want to listen.
They don't generate the revenue that popular airplay brings,
but, as art forms they still exist.
They can not be "ruined".
We have the right to turn off what we don't like,
and turn on whatever we want.
It's available on CD's, records, tapes, internet and satellite radio,
and on and on.
All music is the result of change from other forms.
There are elements of Western European music
in the earliest Country.
Some people hate change even if it's good.
It's not all good.
The value of the music depends upon the talent
and motives of the people making it.
If it's just stale and hack written,
needing fireworks to sell it,
and the main motive is profit,
it is probably junk.
It's OK for music to change a little once in a while,
just to keep our eyes from crossing out of boredom.
But, it should change naturally and gently.
Your favorite old music is still there
for those who want to hear it.
I know I do.
It's just nice to have a choice.
I'm for keeping all the good things about Country music intact,
but adding a new idea here and there...
exercising our music muscles,
to keep them from getting brittle.
Main stream country music is in a state of stagnation.
I think this is part of the problem:
The originality is missing.
It's hard to tell who's singing without a program.
Copyright © July 4, 2005 Jack Blanchard. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.