"One Flu Over Tennessee"
We've made the trip from Florida to Tennessee many times...
mostly to make records, TV appearances, and like that.
This was to be a vacation, and it started off smoothly.
The weather was good, the traffic was moving right along,
and we had no idea that we were to be imprisoned
in a tiny motel room for about a week,
with no telephone, no internet, a cell phone that didn't work,
and the flu.
The first three days were one big family reunion,
and lots of fun,
including front porch pickin' two nights in a row.
Our daughters, Kathi and Michele, and our other wonderful descendants,
showed us plenty of love, hospitality, and good food.
I think I gained eight or ten pounds.
Then the Grim Reaper made a grab for us.
It started with sniffles that we said was just a mild allergy,
and it went immediately into a week long near death experience,
and a marathon coughing fit, which is just now winding down.
Driving home, our coughing and sneezing made it rough on the cruise control,
by causing the car to jerk around.
We were apparently trying to cough up Linda Blair.
Here's a picture taken before the flu.
Some our young Tennessee family is gathered on Michele's porch.
(The house is over a hundred years old,
and is also known as "The old Dumas Walker house".
You might like to Google "Dumas Walker".
The Kentucky Headhunters wrote about him in a song.)
Misty and I are in the doorway.
Click here for the picture: http://tinyurl.com/2mj6vp
All in all, the fun part outweighed the plague,
and we're sure to do it again...
but not right now.
We hope you all got along okay without us.
Jack & Misty
Copyright © October 31, 2007 Jack Blanchard. All rights reserved.
Reprinted by permission.